Local Awards
Kentucky – Tennessee Society of American Foresters annually gives out four awards to recognize service of its members and the public at large in service to the field of forestry. These awards are given out at the annual KTSAF winter meeting held near the end of January.
An award will be presented only once to any individual or group per award category. Maximum number of awards in any one-year will be one.
The Outstanding Service Award for under 35 years of age and for 35 years of age and older will be for one individual's outstanding efforts in the promotion of forestry through voluntary service to the SAF by a member of KT SAF. The Outstanding Service Award to a Technician is recognizing an individual's outstanding efforts in the forestry field by a Forestry Technician. The individual does not have to be a SAF member. The Herman T. Baggenstoss Forestry Recognition Award is for an individual or group where contribution to forestry has been beyond the demands of their regular employment. In general the recipient should not be a professional forester. The Herman T. Baggenstoss Forestry Awards will be presented to a recipient from Kentucky on odd years and a recipient from Tennessee on even years.
Past Winners
Past Winners
Past Winners
Past Winners
National Awards
SAF celebrates and honors scientists, researchers, educators, innovators, leaders, communicators, field foresters, employers, local SAF units, and others that have made significant impact on forestry in the United States and internationally. Nominations open December 1st to March 1st.
One of the highest honors for members of the Society, the rank of Fellow is an exceptional recognition bestowed on a member by their peers for outstanding contributions and service to the SAF and the profession.
The Award in Forest Science recognizes distinguished individual research in any branch of the quantitative, managerial, and/or social sciences that has resulted in substantial advances in forestry.
The Barrington Moore Memorial Award recognizes outstanding achievement in biological research leading to the advancement of forestry.
The Technology Transfer Award recognizes outstanding performance in the areas of technology transfer, implementation and extension.
The Outstanding Forestry Journalism Award recognizes high quality journalistic coverage of topics that increase the American public's understanding of forestry and natural resources.
The Hagenstein Communicator Award recognizes an SAF member who leads innovative and exemplary communications initiatives and programs that increase the general public's understanding of forestry and natural resources.
The Diversity Leadership Award recognizes outstanding individual achievement leading to innovative and exemplary diversity and inclusion efforts.
The Employer Leadership Award recognizes an employer that demonstrates leadership through consistent support of employee participation in SAF and broad engagement in the profession.
The Outstanding Local Unit Achievement Award recognizes the outstanding achievement of a local unit for sustained leadership or a special project benefiting SAF, the forestry profession, and the practice of forestry.
The Student Leadership Award recognizes individual student achievement and leadership at the local, regional, or national level.
The Carl Alwin Schenck Award recognizes devotion and demonstrated outstanding performance in the field of forestry education.
The Gifford Pinchot Medal recognizes outstanding contributions by a forestry professional in the administration, practice, and professional development of forestry in North America.
The Honorary Membership Award recognizes individuals whose contributions to forestry are viewed as outstanding by their peers.
The John A. Beale Memorial Award recognizes outstanding efforts over a sustained period of time by an SAF member in the promotion of forestry through voluntary service to the Society.
The Sir William Schlich Memorial Award recognizes broad and outstanding contributions to the field of forestry with emphasis on, but not limited to, policy and national or international activities.
The Young Forester Leadership Award recognizes outstanding leadership by a young forestry professional in the development and promotion of an individual program or project, or for a sustained leadership role benefiting the practice of forestry and the Society.
The Presidential Field Forester Awards recognize foresters who have dedicated their professional careers to the application of forestry on the ground using sound, scientific methods, and adaptive management strategies. The awards are presented to individuals who have displayed talent, skill, and innovation to achieve a record of excellence in the application of forest management.
The Outstanding SAF Student Chapter Award recognizes an SAF student chapter and its faculty representative for delivering exceptional programming during an academic year. The student chapter honoree(s), along with their school's department head and/or dean and the university president, receive notification of the award.